`The Decay of a Day

In a methodical mess of time,

our world has been defined,

by hypocrisy,

or idiocy,

or lunacy,

or whichever descriptive



diminished capacity,

we might choose to operate from.

The ticking of a clock began our morning,

from federal sacrifice to teacher ignorance,

our society believes,

we can will away all the misery,

our inability,

our instability

that bureaucratic dependency,

to do the wrong thing

is alive and twirling

a baton of human sacrifice

across a meddling nation.

We are clueless to the hurtful,

menacing manner maligned


we often rely upon to

make us laugh with ridicule.

What happens when the laughter

ends, when one doctrine

pitted against another,

believes the lie to be true,

believes in the why we do,

believes their own lie,

to be truth …


7 responses to “`The Decay of a Day”

  1. Spawned by last nights debate?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. partly, as well as the news of the student with the clock this morning in Texas, and a disgusting slam on Muslims in ‘his’ town hall meeting in New Hampshire tonight! I almost drove off the road I was so upset, listening on the radio.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I caught that last night and went to bed in a rage! So incredibly sad….

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow! I wrote my latest piece on Syria, too. Your poem has that type of haunting beauty that stays with everybody who reads it. Truly amazing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. thank you – our society gives us a lot of inspiration these days – sadly I suppose 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re right, but if you scratch beneath the surface, you can still find genuine acts of kindness in all this mess. More than 20 000 refugees have entered my country in the last 48 hours and despite some hateful hearts living here, many truly wonderful people have done and are doing all they can to help these unfortunate souls. It kind of makes you believe that humanity isn’t doomed after all.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thanks for that perspective – we hear only doom and gloom over here!

        Liked by 1 person

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