Carpe Diem Tokubetsudesu #49 at the seashore (Vision Quest reprise)

seagull sunrise
© slowshot photography

whisper winds will ring

creature will sunrise alert

swift wound nature wing

seagull afternoon
© Ben Cordia photography

glory to be life drawn

at sea beauty seems the same

yet sight sweet while yawn

SeaGull Sunset
© mikesdreamphoto

stretch evening sight

her hello is with steady might

winds suggest our night

8 responses to “Carpe Diem Tokubetsudesu #49 at the seashore (Vision Quest reprise)”

  1. I think the main thing is to break away from 5 – 7 – 5 in order to make sense.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I still wish for more tutelage from that rule – I thought it was a standard with haiku, thus I continue to write with it … I appreciate any feedback public or private. thanks Hamish.


  2. Hello Thom — very mysterious imagery 🙂
    I’ll send a few guidelines that might help you —

    Liked by 1 person

    1. thank you I would like that very much!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Nice mental images.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. thanks for your kind words 🙂


  4. Three wonderful haiku with great photos Thom. I like the classical way of writing haiku 5-7-5, but it makes the haiku (in my opinion) sometimes artificial. maybe you have to try to use less or more words in your haiku. For example your third haiku written in another way:

    evening sight
    with steady might
    winds suggest our night

    Just an idea.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Chevrefeuille, all of you have opened doors with me regards style and context. 🙂


Please I would love you to share words, suggestions …

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