I Teach

photo by Andrey Bobir


August smiles,

brilliant fall colors

give pastel accents

to carve a path home.


Aging, beauty

to present a state of mind

delightful, happy,

invigorates our energy.


For now

reflection is immediate

only a moment’s glance

suggests sweet shelter.


Doors will open

anticipation screams through

the distant halls

recalled, fresh, familiar.


new faces, elders,

mindsets triggered

by ‘best practices;’

a ‘carpe diem’ … pause.


The reality is

as maples, oaks, poplars


bold as our children.


We teachers delve,

avenues of knowledge,

not only selfish pride

yet, guidance with love.


Drop quiet in our eyes,

share stories, similar grasp,

capture our mood,

enhance our last …


As the autumn leaves, our time

moves forward; imagine new fires.

2 responses to “I Teach”

  1. Thank you. This is beautiful and inspiring (from a fellow educator). Best of luck for the start of an enriching and productive school year 🙂


    1. Thanks, you too – I’m in that mode where it gradually suggests to me I better start thinking about my classroom!!! 🙂


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